Congress has held yet another hearing on UFOs/UAPs. It was the same ol' "i cant tell you that unless we are in a secure room". But there was one very interesting 'bombshell' that dropped but unless you were able to put the pieces together, you may have not understood what was happening. A version of a whistleblower report on what the government calls the "Immaculate Constellation" was given to a reporter. I proves the Executive Branch of our USG was fully aware of the existence of aliens and kept it a secret. We will break it down for you.
Alesha Muchuca (00:01)
Hello, Bizarre Story friends. If you're tuned in now, you are listening to the Bizarre AF, a place where we talk about the strange, the unusual, the unknown, and all things Bizarre AF. I'm Alicia, your hostess for today's episode, actually co-hostess today. And as always, we ask that you keep an open mind, keep a skeptical ear, but keep on listening to those facts as we take you on our newest journey. Congressional Hearing, Part Two, The Immaculate Constellation.
Well, hello, Kevin, my dear. How are you, Bill?
Kevin Leonard (00:28)
I'm doing good. How are you?
Alesha Muchuca (00:32)
I'm good. know, it's, it's a things are the day is getting shorter, right? We're in the winter. I know. I know. And I don't know about you. I hate it too. Like it's I love the sun. We're both, you know, sun folks. That's why we live in Colorado. But things start to get kind of spooky around this time. I don't know if you feel the same way.
Kevin Leonard (00:39)
Short. Hate it.
well, yeah, I guess just because it gets everything's dying and it's cold and it's dark.
Alesha Muchuca (01:01)
Everything's dying and dead and it's, you know, an abysmal like situation. Yeah, it's one of those times of year. And, you know, with that, a ton of weird stuff has been happening. I'm not sure if you've seen that at all. Just, you know, not like phenomena, we're seeing more phenomena.
Kevin Leonard (01:18)
Alesha Muchuca (01:23)
in regards to the alien question. And one thing that came about recently was another congressional hearing. And I don't know if you recall, but last year we did an episode about disclosure in the US Congress. Yes, and that was a, it was a,
Kevin Leonard (01:45)
Yo, yo.
Alesha Muchuca (01:50)
revolution, for me at least.
Kevin Leonard (01:52)
Yeah, a revelation. Yeah, I mean, people weren't even paying attention to it. It seemed like it just went into the wind. I'm like, what is why are you people not listening?
Alesha Muchuca (01:54)
Modulation, yes.
I know that was actually, that was one of the things that, I was, I felt like Chicken Little. I felt like Chicken Little. I'm like, the sky is falling, the sky is falling. Finally, we admit to like aliens. And everyone's like, yeah, but you know, we can't afford our bills right now. Like, like we are like, struggling paycheck to paycheck. So this is kind of like the least of our problems. I feel that people kind of responded that way.
Kevin Leonard (02:21)
when people still
don't believe it. They don't believe it.
Alesha Muchuca (02:32)
Yeah, yeah, that's the problem. That is 100 % the problem. They're like, it's just a thing. You're like, dude, like, literally, there was a congressional hearing. And they're saying, hey, there's a thing called UAPs. And people are like, it's just like, this is because I, of course, I'm a weirdo. And I like to talk about this stuff with my, you know, new people I'm meeting. But one of the things that I continue to get is, well, you know, this is more of a
It's a government program. It's not an actual alien. You fill in the blank and that is what people are saying. Have you tried talking to anyone about this?
Kevin Leonard (03:11)
yeah, and like my good friends, just, they don't, I don't know, they just don't believe it. Or maybe they think it's something, but they don't think it's like what we think it is. And they're just very, very, very skeptical.
Alesha Muchuca (03:26)
Yeah, I mean, I guess that's probably why we're friends with them is because they are so skeptical. We don't really surround ourselves with Yeah, you definitely need that. But like, you know, we tend to question a little question things a little bit more. And it's good to have people who are like firmly, you know, sat in reality, reality, rather than us saying,
Kevin Leonard (03:32)
Yeah, you know, you need the yin and the yang.
I don't know. It's my reality
and my reality is real. So they're just not in it.
Alesha Muchuca (03:51)
I think our reality is way better than theirs, to be honest. That's just me saying that. So, as we were saying, Congress actually held a special hearing in November of 2024 to discuss the UAP article that was released. this UAP article was an article that you're going to be talking about, Kevin, titled The Immaculate Constellation.
Kevin Leonard (03:56)
Alesha Muchuca (04:18)
I'm gonna skip over that because I'll be honest, I tried to avoid looking at anything regarding the Immaculate Constellation, maybe out of fear, probably out of fear. But also because I wanted to be fresh when we start talking about this on the podcast.
Kevin Leonard (04:30)
Mm-hmm. Yep.
Great, yeah.
Alesha Muchuca (04:40)
Before we even get into this, I really wanted to talk about this hearing and discuss what really got us here, as well as ask a huge question I'm still trying to discover. that question is really, why now? And what the hell is new about all of this? Why are we having this after we, at the end of a month?
that was an election year and people had really strong feelings on either side. But why now? Why are we discussing this? Why are we bringing this back up? And what has changed? What's new? So like I was saying, we had recorded an episode just about a year ago about disclosure in the US Congress and...
Kevin Leonard (05:15)
Yeah, that's a fascinating question.
Alesha Muchuca (05:25)
It was all about the congressional hearing that occurred last year. ultimately, synopsis quick is UFOs or UAPs are real. They really came into, there are a couple of new topics that they had showed us, which one was they're no longer UFOs. We are calling them UAPs, which stands for, I always say aerial and it's actually not aerial.
It's an unidentified anomalous phenomena. I always mess it up. But they're in the sky and it's like, actually, no, that's the problem. The problem is they're not in the sky. So we can't say aerial. They're not just.
Kevin Leonard (05:50)
Yep. Me too.
exactly. We've seen them in some agua.
Alesha Muchuca (06:04)
Yes, in water,
they're coming out of the water. so that's like a huge differentiation. Like we need to differentiate between the two because that's really the marker of this phenomena is the new title we're understanding a little bit differently. Now, just to go back to some of the other items that we had discovered in the last congressional hearing.
Let me just grab my notes. I'm really, really profess here. Anyway, some of the things that we had found out was one, these things that we had been lying about, the government has actively been lying to the people. That was a huge, huge piece of this.
Kevin Leonard (06:44)
the bombshell, quite honestly.
Alesha Muchuca (06:47)
Mm hmm. Yes, it was the bombshell that the government has known what is going on. They have known for a while and they are hiding this information from the American people or from not. Well, our government is hiding it from the American people. But there is a an effort on behalf of other world governments, other countries to also hide this information. So it's like there's a pact that's going on that we have discovered that
All these governments have known about it, and they're all zipping it about all of this information. So it was a bombshell. And we had a few folks on the panel who were asked questions by Congress last year about this UAP phenomena. Now, one distinction that I think is important to note is that this congressional hearing is not
an alien hearing, okay? It's a special hearing and it's in regards to national defense. So that is the way that this is being framed is it's a matter of national defense and that the American people should know this information because there is something that we don't know about or our government does not know about, but has better technology and can flatten us. We are peons.
The technology is so great that we don't even have
Kevin Leonard (08:06)
We can't even comprehend
Alesha Muchuca (08:08)
Yeah, it is messing with physics and the ideas of flight, the way that we understand flight and the science and mechanics of flight. It's turning it on its head, ultimately. And in order to talk about that, they had pilots who were involved in seeing the Tic-Tac, you know, the whole Tic-Tac phenomena, which...
Kevin Leonard (08:17)
huh. Yep.
Alesha Muchuca (08:27)
we had just done an episode on. And that was the UFOs, a deep dive into the Tic Tac. We had talked about that, but that was where these folks were in the congressional hearing episode. These people are actually being questioned by Congress. Like, what did you see? What happened? You know, all of those questions.
Kevin Leonard (08:29)
Which, by the way, these pilots reported to the government years ago. I mean, this stuff happened a long time ago and whatever tan, you know, getting back to the question where you started off this podcast, why now? Like what happened? Like what's going on? Like why now? So, yeah, I mean.
Alesha Muchuca (08:54)
Kevin Leonard (09:10)
This stuff has been happening for a very long time. We're just now starting to hear it and getting proof that the government's been hiding it from us.
Alesha Muchuca (09:19)
They have been hiding and they've been also, you know, these pilots and people in the military have been seeing these, this stuff, anonymous, my God. Anonymous also gets me every time. Anonymous, anyways, I've seeing this phenomenon for years, years and years and years, decades.
Kevin Leonard (09:29)
Alesha Muchuca (09:44)
This has been something that has been actively hidden by the government. All these reports have been hidden. Any emails pertaining to these items have been hidden. There has been an active cover-up, which... Where's my tinfoil hat? This is actually reality. This is something that is being proven that the government is actively trying to cover up.
Kevin Leonard (10:05)
And I just have to
say, I think that's why a lot of my friends are skeptical because when you start talking about conspiracy, government's conspiracy, then people start looking at you like, where's your tinfoil hat? And even though that there is like literal and like, you conspiracy theorists do this too, well this proof and this getting hidden and people are like, yeah, yeah, shut up. But like, no, this is for her. Listen.
Alesha Muchuca (10:28)
it's actually real. This is not something that is... Okay, I have to say this. We actually are going to be doing a series talking about this alien, I don't know, alien problem, UAP problem. We're really gonna be getting into a deep dive. And...
it's we're going be calling it the alien discovery series. So that's really what this is. This will be really ultimately.
Kevin Leonard (10:50)
To your chagrin
by the way, cause you know I love this topic and it scares you which I think is so fun.
Alesha Muchuca (10:57)
I know it
is it's terrifying to me and it's it's it's being terrified of the unknown. Ultimately, that's really that's the the that's what it is for me. But I'm going to try to get my courage up and and talk about this stuff because honestly, like I don't really see the mainstream media talking about it. And I think
Kevin Leonard (11:18)
Alesha Muchuca (11:20)
Yeah, and if they do, it's being framed in a very strange way. you know, right now I've been seeing on TikTok, which we're actually going to be commenting on a bunch of like footage of things in the air that are moving weird and they're balls. And right now everyone's saying, guess what it is? It's drones. And we're like, bitch, we know that is not a drone. We have seen drones. We have seen drones moving in formation. Like, that is not a drone. This is not moving the same way.
So I think it's really important for us to look at multiple sources and not believe, honestly, mainstream media. They are trying to tell a story that, you know, and it's owned by like what, one of like five or four companies, right? Like it's not.
Kevin Leonard (11:56)
Well, that's just it. We all know and
we've all know for fact that newspapers and media outlets will report what they're forced to report or what's in their best interest, regardless of what that best interest is.
Alesha Muchuca (12:23)
Absolutely, 100%. And just to rehash, so last year we had the hearing. there was a hearing even before that. in July of 2023, we had retired Major David Grush and then fighter pilots Ryan Graves and Navy Commander David Fravor, who spoke to the US Congress.
about the Tic Tac incident. And it was about two hours and 22 minutes. It's a long one, but it's worth listening to if you can, because ultimately, you you can't believe it's incredible. These committees are really important because it's an oversight committee on,
on these government officials. It's a committee that is trying to prove or trying to see whether or not there is collusion within the government itself. So that is what the purpose is. This is not, like I said, it's not an alien committee. is a defense oversight committee, US defense oversight. And that's a really important distinction to make in it.
So, you we had both of these pilots who said, yeah, we can't, we have no idea. We've been flying fighter planes for years and we've never seen anything like it. We tried reporting it. This information had not come out. It was wiped clean. So we can't find any information about it. And ultimately,
You had a bunch of Congress folks who were saying, well, I never heard about this. I tried getting answers from the Pentagon. And they said, we don't have any comment. And then go figure what happened, what was it, like May of 2020 when the tic tac video itself came out and people were like, what? What is that? It's coming out of the water and going up into the air.
And it is moving at a rate that we have never seen. It can stop in a fraction of a second. It can change directions. These are not normal things that pilots have seen or Navy folks have seen. It's a huge problem. this special hearing was really
was actually was started by or this guy, Mr. Burchett, it was really like Matt Locke. He started, you know, asking the questions. He had some if there's any anything you guys want to watch, please watch it. Watch the beginning because this guy is like Matt Locke with that like southern sass. It's enough reason to tune in and to watch it and.
Kevin Leonard (14:52)
Alesha Muchuca (14:57)
you know, about halfway he like, you know, throws in a charming joke about, you know, about the whole like hearing or about, you know, the holidays coming up. But what we find out in this hearing is there are disappearing emails. So some of these phenomena that that have occurred, emails start disappearing, they these military personnel who are there are saying I had reported it, we were all asking each other.
And there was like a company-wide like email that went out and they're saying, we said, hey, did you see this? Did you check this out? And people are responding on the thread of the email, which we all hate having those company-wide emails where someone is an idiot and responds to and then everyone gets that, thanks. You're like, Susan, we don't care about your thanks. Like reply just to the one person, not to the whole company. But this one was different.
It was a company-wide email and they were talking about this phenomena that they cannot make sense of. And so people are responding to it. They go back and they make a file report on it and they go into their email box. It's wiped clean. It's completely wiped. There is no proof of this email even being sent out. No sent, like the people who sent or responded to these emails looked into their outbox
could not see anything. It was wiped clean as if that never happened. recordings that they had wiped clean. No proof at all that any of these emails had even occurred, which once again, this guy was telling the US Congress this, like, look, it's here. I'm still sitting here. I remembered sending out these emails.
Someone deleted it from everyone I know's inbox. That is not someone who's, you know, some rogue, you know, person who's like, I'm too square. I need to delete all these emails. No, there's a concerted effort on behalf of the government to hide this. Someone who has power is hiding this information. So that was one point. Our boy, Elizondo, which, you know, you have, we've talked about,
in depth, right? He was the guy who came forward and said, hey, he was part of the whistleblower who, who got the tic tac video out. That was that was him. He was also at this hearing. And what struck me as interesting is he released a book. Okay. This was last year, or maybe it was this year, he actually released a book about his experience on the UFO.
on the tic tacs and like this disclosure and working for the government, the Pentagon, as on this special group within the national defense sector. And he said it took a year for him to get the book approved by the Pentagon, because technically right now, and this is something I think is very important to talk about, he still has security clearing.
a very high security clearing through the government and through the Pentagon. So I think that it's interesting to note that. And that he sent his book before he could even send it, he sent his book to the Pentagon to approve what was placed in it. I think that's interesting.
Kevin Leonard (18:07)
It is. Well,
it just.
Yeah, it it I'm struggling because he does have a security clearance and even in the congressional hearings, you know, there's a lot of things he can't say unless he goes into a skiff or a lot of them can't say unless they go into a skiff. the fact that. What we know of was approved to be in the public just goes to show there's.
still, mean, whistleblowers are supposed to be able to say whatever they want and go and not get in trouble. But this is still getting censored.
Alesha Muchuca (18:42)
Yes. Mm-hmm. It's still getting censored, which is huge. But here's my thing. And once again, this is where I really put on my hat. Because if he's a whistleblower and he's disclosing all this information and he still has a security clearance, but, his
Kevin Leonard (18:45)
There's the-
Alesha Muchuca (19:06)
you know, still talking to the Pentagon, of course, signed away probably his life to, you know, resign or whatever. He's still alive because I'm sure people have died for a lot less, you know, trying to keep secrets or whatever. And that's not just with that's just like with anything, you know, like someone might know too much and, you know, bam, you got a mob hit or whatever, you know, like it's a trope, but it's a trope for a good reason.
Kevin Leonard (19:28)
Alesha Muchuca (19:32)
He's still here. And I think it's interesting that, you know, I think we should be asking ourselves questions like one, if he is still here, and he still has security clearance, and he's writing a book and getting it approved by the Pentagon, who is he working for? Is he working on behalf of the American people? Or is he still working for this?
this like, know, government.
Kevin Leonard (19:56)
Exactly. Exactly.
Exactly. Let's see.
Alesha Muchuca (20:00)
It's a real question and he's always involved. And he knows a lot. during this hearing, it is incredibly frustrating. And it was very much like the last hearing that we had. So many questions that Luis Elizondo basically said, yeah, I know what the answer is. I cannot share that with you because the government, whatever, the government's not.
it was not approved for me to talk about.
Kevin Leonard (20:25)
Right. Right! Wait, hello?
I thought you were a whistleblower, dude.
Alesha Muchuca (20:30)
What is the point of being a whistleblower? Like if you're going to be a whistleblower, then why are you not? you know, the idea is like, the idea was, you we can go into a skiff and discuss this, but I cannot discuss this at a public hearing. from now, I have not heard anything coming out of out of this congressional hearing. But the last hearing, a lot of the congresspeople came out and said. I think a really good question for us to ask is not.
Kevin Leonard (20:35)
Alesha Muchuca (20:58)
you know, where they come from, but which dimension? Like it's more of a dimensional question. So from that last Congress hearing, what we found out is that these things are probably from the world. It's probably from earth. Just either they're living in the same space as us, or they are living in different dimensions within this same world.
Kevin Leonard (21:20)
Alesha Muchuca (21:24)
which I
Kevin Leonard (21:24)
people hear that and it just goes over their head. That's the other thing. Like people can't comprehend this stuff. And so when they can't comprehend it, it just goes right over their head. They're like, yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. But if you get down to the root of it, like that's fucking crazy.
Alesha Muchuca (21:36)
Right, and-
It's insane. It's insane. When we're talking about different dimensions and what does that mean? What that means is like, and I know we've about the dimensions and the different ideas of dimensions in your episode, but think of it like if you see a ghost, right? And you're like, my God, it's a ghost.
What if it's just an echo of the past that's actually, look, we're stacked on top of each other as far as time goes. We're all inhabiting the same space, but we're stacked on top of each other in the same space, just different layers. And it's so weird. But the fact that these Congress people were saying that after the first congressional hearing really kind of told me, okay, this is a different issue.
Kevin Leonard (22:17)
Yeah, trip.
Alesha Muchuca (22:27)
that maybe, maybe the government or people who have the power who know this information are not ready to hear the answers and hear what reality actually is. I mean, come on. Or the worlds. Remember when, what was it? Was it Walter Cronkite? Or no, it wasn't Walter Cronkite.
Kevin Leonard (22:47)
yeah, the fake news broadcast thing. Yeah.
Alesha Muchuca (22:50)
Yes, yeah,
people lost it. They lost it. And it was just a reading. God, I can't remember what his name is gonna.
Kevin Leonard (22:53)
Yeah, can't remember
either now, but yeah, people were scared.
Alesha Muchuca (22:59)
Yeah, so
what if what if that was a testing to see whether or not people you know believe in this in this stuff or or how they're gonna react and what if a lot of this information that we're getting we are slowly being fed because they're treating us like like babies because we freaked the fuck out when we when the world war of the worlds was was played, you know
Kevin Leonard (23:21)
Alesha Muchuca (23:27)
alien invasion, people losing their minds, going and buying up all the gasoline and stocking up on toilet paper like we did during the pandemic. People can lose their shit. I mean, I wouldn't necessarily blame folks, but I wonder if that's part of it. And that's why we're having these hearings, right? To slowly drip this information or this news and make it
Kevin Leonard (23:36)
Yep, they do.
Alesha Muchuca (23:52)
a little bit more normal. Yeah, like, well, you know, politicians are corrupt. Aliens are now like, you know, there's more than just the human race of intelligent, you know, beings on this planet Earth. Like, people are just going to think, yeah, it's like nothing new, whatever. It's not that big of a deal. But
Kevin Leonard (23:54)
Palatable, yeah.
Alesha Muchuca (24:13)
One thing, so during this hearing, there was a guy that used to work for NASA. And what they were trying to talk about was whether or not they believed that NASA should be like helping out with like researching this alien issue. And one thing that I think is probably interesting to note is, you know, friends like you have and like I have.
who think it's just different government drones or whatever that we just don't know about. It's government experiments that we're seeing. That's what this NASA dude's stance was. And I think it's interesting to try and bring in NASA and bring this guy in, because this guy had no fucking clue what was even going on, what was being talked about. He was just thrown into this hearing, which...
The more and more I talk about this hearing and the more and more I think about this hearing the more and more it pisses me off because I don't understand what the point was What like why do you have this guy who has like zero? He has very little to bring to the conversation and you're wasting time with him. Was he supposed to be involved with this? Why was he there like it and maybe someone else can tell me what the purpose was they were trying to frame it as let's see if
Like what could we do to get NASA involved in like in looking into this? It's like, bitch, they already knew about it. OK, they already knew that this is what was happening and they are staying. They're keeping their mouth shut. ultimately, Louis Elizondo said, yeah, NASA already knows like NASA has already been involved. They are not saying shit. So.
He didn't think that it was aliens. He just thought it was experimental aircraft. And another item that we heard about from him, this is interesting, was he said that there are whole hangars and areas in bases and on bases that essentially are leased out spaces, the government contracts. Nobody knows what's in there. No one in the military, it does not matter what ranking you are.
can go into these hangars, which is to prove these experimental, know, like what they're trying to say is experimental, could it be aliens? I mean, we've heard that that's absolutely the case, but it's through government contractors that this work is being done. And before I, you know, hand it off to you, one thing I do have to say is I sat through Lauren Boebert, okay? I sat through her line of questioning.
on at this congressional hearing and she is a Colorado representative that is
My eyes are just rolling into the back of my head. You are welcome, I listen to her and I listen to her, her like questioning. And that's something that, you know.
I think that what that proves and one thing that we need to look at is this is not a political issue. This is an issue that does not have to do with whether or not you're a liberal, conservative, neutral, whatever, moderate, whatever you want to call it, extreme. This is an issue that is a human issue. And Lauren Boebert is someone who was on that committee in this special hearing.
And she asked some decent questions. One of the questions that I thought were really interesting was, do we have bodies? Do we have human biologics? And it was confirmed by Louis Elizondo that there are alien biologics that the government has. He did not say that he knew of anything alive currently, but he did say that there were some that had...
died shortly after these, it was crash retrieval processes. ultimately what I can say, none of this information's new. It's all frustrating because it was kind of like a throwaway, a whole throwaway hearing. And the one piece that came out in this congressional hearing was the Immaculate Constellation.
And what they were told before any of these congresspeople had even gotten into the hearing was, if you type in Immaculate Constellation into your web browser, you will get on a list. And you will be.
Kevin Leonard (28:27)
Or yeah, say
the word, search it, talk about it, yeah.
Alesha Muchuca (28:32)
Yes, you're gonna be on a list and there is going to be you know Some kind of surveillance so They were all commenting about that and sharing that with within the hearing About the Immaculate Constellation, know paper that Kevin's gonna talk about and clearly Kevin and I are on the list so if you guys start
Kevin Leonard (28:53)
Alesha Muchuca (28:53)
searching this for yourself, which I would say I would invite you to start looking into because this is information that I think is very important and is going to be altering to humanity. Go and make your own opinions, but you will be on the list. Okay. Thank you. So please tell me about it. Thank you. Can you tell me about the, the Immaculate Consolation? Cause I have, I've been dying. have not looked and read anything just to talk to you about.
Kevin Leonard (29:06)
Thank you.
Good. I'm
glad. Good, good, Well, when you when you heard immaculate consolation in this hearing, didn't your ears go because I've never heard that term before my life.
Alesha Muchuca (29:28)
No, no, it sounds, you know what, it sounds kind of sexy and like very like alieny like different galaxies. It sounds like it sounds like something sci fi. Honestly, that's what it sounds like. So so yeah, I was my my ears were perked. I was Yeah, interested.
Kevin Leonard (29:37)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, Yeah.
So in the second hearing, as Alicia has said, there was nothing new. We'd heard everything before. This NASA guy was just like, we're like, why are you here? But there was a reporter. And he was on the panel and he got a hold of this document that was
ultimately given to him by an employee of the Department of Defense.
What I'm gonna read to you is this report that he got a hold of. He will not divulge the source, but it is an investigation that had taken place around this topic and the fact that the government is keeping secrets. And so this document is gonna talk about what the Immaculate Constellation is.
and what this report really ultimately found. So this document in itself is a result of a multi-year internal investigation into the subjects of three kind of things. And I'm gonna give you the acronyms, cause I'm gonna mention them a lot. So there's the UAP that Alicia talked about, the unidentified anomalous phenomena.
Then there's a T U O, which is technologies of unknown origin. And then there's NHI, which is non-human intelligence. And so those are the three things that we're going to talk about that are contained in this report. Now this investigation was undertaken in response to urgent and credible threats to the public and the good and the safety of the United States of America. That's what.
kind of had triggered this. And it goes on to say that it was given to Congress through the UAP whistleblower mechanism established in the National Defense Authorization Act, which are bills around the DOD, Department of Defense, and the National Intelligence Authorization Act, which states that records of the president and the vice president can
and circumstances be public. Okay. So the data in this document comes from non-public data that has been held in the executive branch of the United States of America.
Alesha Muchuca (32:04)
Okay, sorry, go ahead.
Kevin Leonard (32:21)
go ahead.
Alesha Muchuca (32:22)
I mean, you're just telling me what it is. I'm like, wait, I have all these questions. I'm sure you're to disclose them. And I did use disclose intentionally. So please continue. But I do have questions once you stop.
Kevin Leonard (32:34)
So the author obtained access to this information while pursuing what they considered what they call their lawful duties as an employee of the Department of Defense.
Alesha Muchuca (32:46)
Kevin Leonard (32:47)
This public version of the author's report was viewed and approved for public release by Department of State and the Bureau of Global Public Affairs, which pisses me off.
Alesha Muchuca (33:00)
So once again, we're receiving whistleblower information that the government or that the Pentagon and these people who have all the power are saying they're like, yeah, no, no, yes, you can definitely it's like it's like when you get something new and like you like maybe you had a brother or sister or something and you get the hand me down that they had that you really wanted before but now they're like, yeah, no, you can have that I have this new stuff.
Kevin Leonard (33:06)
had to approve.
Alesha Muchuca (33:26)
Like that's what it feels like. feels like, it feels like one, this is where it's definitely being picked and chosen, like what is being released. And it's not as sexy because all this information is information that they want to give us.
Kevin Leonard (33:36)
Well, and I,
you know, I get the argument is national security. OK, well, I kind of get that to a point. Like you don't want to disclose things that could potentially compromise that. But you can go. We have this whistleblower program to protect everybody. But we're going to censor the whistleblower like that.
Alesha Muchuca (33:59)
yes, and they're not a whistleblower. They're a whistle, they're a whistle, you know, I don't know. It's something.
Kevin Leonard (34:03)
Say or like a, fuck it. don't know. Okay.
Now the results of the system, and I hadn't even gotten into what's really in this report. So the results of the investigation are very disturbing. And for me, it's not disturbing because of the contents per se, but again, it's about
The elements of the US executive branch have conspired to prevent the legislative branch from exercising its powers in the government with respects to the UAP, T.U.O. and the NIH issues. This is what's disturbing.
And the information provided by the author also strongly suggests that the executive branch has been managing UAPs and NHS issues without congressional knowledge, oversight, or authorization for ultimately decades.
Alesha Muchuca (34:57)
That was going to be my question decades. Wow.
Kevin Leonard (35:00)
And the criminal conspiracy keeps the elected government of the United States and its citizens ignorant. And this is, quoting from this document to profound discoveries and dire threats originating from the existence of UAP and H I and their technologies. So there it's a criminal conspiracy. Like this, this author is saying that the executive branch is blocking the legislative branch branch from doing their
unambiguous evidence. Let me repeat unambiguous unambiguous evidence demonstrating the reality of UAP NHI and T UO has been made available to Congress by multiple independent UAP whistleblowers. This document that we're talking about right now is but one
piece of evidence brought to Congress, but much more exists and hopefully will be made available as time goes on. And in this public version of this report, information is they've organized it into categories.
and the categories of this evidence are, unacknowledged special access program, which they called us AP there's imagery intelligence, which they call. meant there's human intelligence, which is called human, signals intelligence, which is called SIGINT.
and USG bureaucratic records, USG historical records, and other sensitive sources. So there's a lot of sources feeding this report.
Alesha Muchuca (36:40)
Kevin Leonard (36:41)
So I will repeat this information derived from this was non-public information. This information wasn't intended to be public, right? That's where these particular sources.
Alesha Muchuca (36:53)
With the sort the sources who provided the information or.
Kevin Leonard (36:56)
No, actual
source. the imagery intelligence, the human intelligence, the signals intelligence, all these sources were not meant for public consumption.
So section one is this unacknowledged special access program, this USAP. And this is the Immaculate Constellation. And so the Immaculate Constellation is an unacknowledged special access program, that USAP that I was talking about. It was established following the public disclosure of the ATIP and the A-SWAP programs by Elizondo in 2017.
Alesha Muchuca (37:23)
Kevin Leonard (37:33)
Now upon disclosure to Congress, it was determined that this USAP and its collateral information were not lawfully reported to Congress. And so the Immaculate Constellation's primary mission was collecting imagery intelligence on UAP. And also ARV or RV, reproduction vehicles. Reproduction vehicles are the...
US's attempt at reproducing the fucking spaceships.
Alesha Muchuca (37:59)
Which weren't we talking about Steve or what it was his name. It's not Stephen Greer. It's the that one guy who had who was like, yeah, no, I was reverse engineering, you know, parts of these. And everyone's like, no, he's a crazy person. Like he's that's what this is saying. It's saying legitimately there are programs that we found this technology and we're trying to replicate it like.
Kevin Leonard (38:05)
yeah yeah yeah.
That's what this is saying.
Alesha Muchuca (38:25)
Clearly clearly this is
there is no question. This is not a conspiracy. This is reality and that's what this is saying It is Insane this is insane
Kevin Leonard (38:38)
So the Immaculate Constellation acts as a nexus for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating intelligence on the activities, the capabilities, locations of this anomalous stuff.
okay, so as I had mentioned, the intelligence within this immaculate constellation consists of high quality imagery intelligence, which was the I meant, collateral measurement and signatures intelligence of the UAPs and the reproduction vehicles all within the earth's atmosphere.
Alesha Muchuca (39:13)
great. So, so none of this is coming from outer space from they're not Martians from outer space. This is, this is here. Yeah. The, the, the, what is it? The fire is burning inside the house and the call is calling. That's exactly what it is. The call is coming, coming from within the house and, we're sitting here thinking that it's coming from somewhere else. We have like, they've known this.
Kevin Leonard (39:18)
No, no, this is in our house.
is coming within the house.
Alesha Muchuca (39:40)
Like this is what this paper is saying is like they've known this has occurred and that it's occurring within our own, within our own like planet Earth. And they know a lot more.
Kevin Leonard (39:51)
yeah, exactly. this, the Immaculate Constellation kind of is a parent USAP with a lot of child things. Yes.
Alesha Muchuca (39:54)
and the department's.
Of of course
it is.
Kevin Leonard (40:04)
I'm not going to go into the, I'm going to start getting into kind of the, the meat of the examples that they've compiled, but I would really suggest everyone go get on the list and Google immaculate consolation and read this public report. It's fascinating.
Alesha Muchuca (40:26)
Well, mean, fuck like what is it going to be? It's not aliens from outer space. Like maybe the tall whites or whatever, you know, other alien, you know, humanoid life forms that live with within a year are going to track you down. And well, well.
Kevin Leonard (40:32)
So I'm going to give you three examples of groups of, so they, they, they categorize the evidence into different groups. I'm going to give you three examples.
So one was cuboid formation of metallic orbs.
Alesha Muchuca (41:03)
Kevin Leonard (41:05)
So on the US government networks, there exists daytime FMV and daytime FLIR footage of a formation of about 12 metallic orbs skimming the ocean surface at high speeds before disseminating into multiple directions. Okay, multiple high quality footage.
Alesha Muchuca (41:23)
Kevin Leonard (41:27)
The rapid and the agile maneuvering of the metallic orbs were incompatible, as Alicia had said earlier, with unknown, with known aerospace vehicles, like things that we know today did not align. And they were between three to six meters in diameter. Now in the opening segment of the footage, about 12 metallic objects flew in a tight cuboid formation.
The orbs were in three vertical square formations of about four orbs each arranged in a three pronged configuration, creating the illusion of a cube shape at a distance. Yeah, like the fucking floor. All the orbs were white hot against the black cold ocean in this FLIR footage and each sphere created a faint atmospheric distortion.
Alesha Muchuca (42:07)
like the Borg. Great.
Kevin Leonard (42:20)
around itself as the heat like a heat shimmer, right? These metallic oars moved in this cube formation over the ocean for quite a bit of time before rapidly breaking formation as pairs. The sensors platform lost track of the metallic orbs as they ascend to the altitude and acceleration and speed, but maintain observation on a pair of the orbs continuing the trajectory of the larger.
So that's one example of some of the evidence that they found. And these were not drones, people. Don't say they were drones. They were not drones.
Alesha Muchuca (42:50)
No. Nope.
Kevin Leonard (42:52)
Then there's the fast mover observed transitioning over sensitive facilities. We've heard this is happening repeatedly. And in fact, in the second Senate hearing that Alicia was talking about, they mentioned this a lot. Like they kept asking the question, do you notice this happening a lot like over Air Force bases or sensitive areas? And the answer is yes.
on the network, there was footage of a small medium oval UAP flying at high speed and low to the surface. The footage begins as routine surveillance of this sensitive coastal facility. And when this oval rapidly comes into frame, as it flies above the coastal facilities, the oval makes this rapid turn toward the ocean where it's tracked and
then it's tracked flying over the low ocean at high speeds before the track is lost. We've seen this footage before.
Alesha Muchuca (43:48)
It's the TikTok. Yeah, it's the TikTok.
Kevin Leonard (43:51)
it also in that collection is the one where you've, I've talked about this in our UAP episode or other UFO episode where, know, if something flies over the water really fast, creates the spray of, you know, water and kind of makes this trail, you know, in the ocean, in the, in the ocean. Like if you're to drag your finger over water really fast.
Alesha Muchuca (44:05)
Or like jet skis or, know, or water skis.
Kevin Leonard (44:14)
Yes, exactly. Well, we
see this we see these large vehicles doing that and zigzagging turning on the anodyne, which is we know physics is our physics is impossible.
Alesha Muchuca (44:26)
Impossible, yeah.
Kevin Leonard (44:27)
Then there is intelligence visuals possession position to collect on reproduction vehicles. So they there was infrared footage of an imagery of a grouping of vessels engaged. At. See engaged in a collection at night in a specific area of the Pacific Ocean. And in this footage.
which was in close proximity to these vessels, this large equilateral triangle suddenly appears over the ships. And there's three bright points that are seen at the bottom corner of the UAP, which is observed to slowly rotate on its horizontal axis. Now this rotation partially reveals a horizontal bar of sweeping lights.
And intelligence analysis associated with this event specifies that the equilateral triangle is a reproduction vehicle and concludes that the vessels must have been aware of the RV's frequent use of these coordinates due to the foreign pre-positioning of advanced collection assets at the exact time and place. And after a brief period of hovering and slowly rotating about 500 meters above the ocean, it suddenly disappears.
footage ends.
Now, do you remember when in an episode we did where I showed you there's like a three or a five point thing floating in the air and with what?
Alesha Muchuca (45:53)
Yes, it was like the Phoenix Lights, yeah.
It was like the Phoenix Lights.
Kevin Leonard (45:58)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. And these are happening all over the world.
Alesha Muchuca (46:03)
Yes, yes, all over the world.
Kevin Leonard (46:05)
Not just like
one play all over. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Alesha Muchuca (46:08)
Right, which tells you it's not just the US government.
Kevin Leonard (46:13)
No, exactly. Exactly. And there was one episode where I actually ended up showing you a picture what looked like there were aliens in a cockpit.
Alesha Muchuca (46:25)
still have not forgotten that. I thought about this last night.
Kevin Leonard (46:26)
Well, that ship was kind of
had that lighting pattern.
Alesha Muchuca (46:33)
Okay, so it could have been humans because what basically what you're saying is like, okay, we have like footage of things that are not aliens, you know what I mean? Like non-human intelligence or whatever. Or what was it that you called it? Yeah, non-human, NHIs, non-human intelligence. So it could have been us in aircraft that we, you know.
Kevin Leonard (46:48)
Non-human intelligence.
Alesha Muchuca (47:01)
reproduced, we created ourselves by, you know, reverse engineering something that we found. So it could have been okay. So that's making me a little feel a little bit better about that. But, you know, okay, so here's a question I have. And this is something that I hear coming from people who tend to be more skeptical is how could it be like, I would believe it.
Kevin Leonard (47:06)
Yes. Yes.
Alesha Muchuca (47:24)
if I didn't realize how stupid human beings are. Like, how could we keep this secret?
Involving because this is not something that is is just between ten people like even ten, you know Three people someone's gonna snitch How is it that we keep this so? Under wraps for so long
Kevin Leonard (47:43)
The same way,
the same way that people with top secret clearance keeps things secret that you don't know about.
Same way.
Alesha Muchuca (47:54)
But nobody, I mean.
Kevin Leonard (47:54)
There are programs
and things that happen that nobody knows about that the government does for decades. We don't know about it.
Alesha Muchuca (48:03)
That's true.
That is really true. like, also think about, you know, I think about the fact that all of this is incredibly compartmentalized. So it makes it harder to know every piece. You know, you have, like you're talking about these government, you know, this project, know, immaculate constellation. There are so many different departments within this, you know, research. So you have one who just studies, you know, the reverse, you know, technology.
Kevin Leonard (48:12)
Mmm... Totally.
Alesha Muchuca (48:29)
you know, one who just studies the non-human intelligence, you know, it's so compartmentalized. So there are ways and systems to make it really hard to understand the full picture and to sound like a crazy person because you don't have knowledge of everything.
Kevin Leonard (48:31)
Exactly. And then only
parts of this get compiled together. And then that's given to the executive branch, which apparently hides it from the world.
Alesha Muchuca (48:55)
So, and the executive branch is the president.
Kevin Leonard (48:58)
Alesha Muchuca (48:59)
It's the president. so, and this has happened for decades. And this is something that still is happening. So we can say, everyone that has been involved with politics for at least the last, what, 60, 70 years has known, every single president has known. And
Kevin Leonard (49:19)
Well, the executive branch, maybe not necessarily the president, but you know, the president has had to have known something. There's no way if this, if this is all about national security, which they claim it to be, which why they can't say anything, then of course the president has to have known something.
Alesha Muchuca (49:38)
Yes, yes. I mean, they had to have known. Here's the thing. And this is something I've heard before is, okay, so I just looked up because I was pretty sure I just wanted to know who who all like who are the people who are involved in the executive branch that we know about. And that's the president, the vice president, the cabinet, and departments and agencies, as well as independent agencies and commissions.
Kevin Leonard (49:55)
Alesha Muchuca (50:06)
Now, if I look at that, I'm thinking the president and the vice president are going to leave in four years. So maybe they really don't know anything. They're not permanent, you know, to the role or to that cabinet.
Kevin Leonard (50:17)
Mm hmm. Yes, all those little
black ops things that are in one of those groups of offices that you just talked about those departments that are running it. They don't tell anybody anything.
Alesha Muchuca (50:26)
Yeah, so it's not necessarily the president. It's not the vice president. It's not their cabinet. Of course they wouldn't know. They're not going to be there for a while. And that is something that I've heard from whistleblowers. They will say it's on a need to known basis. They're going to disclose information to people who need to know. And anybody who's coming in as a president does not need to know because they're going to be leaving within eight years. And so it's not necessary.
Kevin Leonard (50:42)
doesn't need to know.
Alesha Muchuca (50:53)
the departments and agencies and these independent agencies. Exactly, exactly. They're the ones who are in power. Those are the people who are power. We don't even have, when you're looking up the information, we don't even have specific titles for, we don't know who these people are. So it's insane. So when we're hearing this information, it's been released to the executive branch, the executive branch has had it. That does not necessarily mean the president.
Kevin Leonard (50:56)
That little ambiguous line right there.
Right. Crazy. Ugh.
President Nusserly, right. True. Yep.
Alesha Muchuca (51:23)
In fact, it does not mean the president.
Kevin Leonard (51:26)
my god, it's so crazy. People need to pay attention. That's just the bottom line, right? Like, it's real.
Alesha Muchuca (51:28)
I know, I know, pay attention
and realize like this stuff is real and like there's probably a very concerted effort to keep you distracted by, I don't know, your phone, the phone that you have, know, the social media, which like, you know, clearly we're very guilty of using, like, you know, be aware there's more information and more things that are coming out that, you know, people are intentionally being distracted.
Kevin Leonard (51:43)
Right, sure. Yep.
Alesha Muchuca (52:01)
Bye. Okay, so sorry, go ahead.
Kevin Leonard (52:03)
No, that's it. That's it. I think I just want to leave people with just what I said, like
don't like don't don't live in a box like that and don't doubt because we have literal physical proof that this stuff is real and we have literal physical proof that this stuff has been hidden from Congress thus from the people. So just
Alesha Muchuca (52:31)
Kevin Leonard (52:34)
know it's hard to comprehend some of the stuff we were talking about because it just doesn't make any sense and it's easier just to go, nah, but real this is real. Yeah.
Alesha Muchuca (52:43)
This stuff is real. And
it's interesting, during that congressional hearing, they mention the Immaculate Constellation. The guy who was the author of it or who released it, the reporter, he was being asked quite incredibly blatantly by these Congress people saying, who are your sources? Who's releasing this? And he said,
Kevin Leonard (53:06)
Alesha Muchuca (53:07)
I'm going to go to the grave for my sources. The whole point, and he even like made, like in that congressional hearing, he made a plea saying, look, if you have information, you can trust me. You can send it to me. You can find my, here's my name, like look me up. You can find me. So he is trying to actively release this information. And we really have to question.
Kevin Leonard (53:10)
Yeah. Yeah.
Alesha Muchuca (53:35)
who other people that are involved are working for? Who are they working for? Who are these Congress people who are trying to get sources from a reporter, trying to get them to admit it? Who are they working for? Are they working for these departments that are trying to keep this information out of the American people's hands? And the fact that we have departments who understand that this is not outer space.
It is not Martians from outer space. These are beings that live on the same planet as us. like I said, this is going to be just the first, or what is it? Technically the second part of this alien, it was the Alien Discovery series. So technically it's the second part.
Kevin Leonard (54:18)
Alesha Muchuca (54:21)
But throughout the entire month of December, we are going to be releasing podcasts that have to do with this question and have to do with really questioning the information that we're being given and questioning the sources. So.
Kevin Leonard (54:38)
And trying to spread the
word like when we hear things like this, like spread the word because the media isn't doing it.
Alesha Muchuca (54:44)
they're not, and they're not going to, they're never going to do it. you know, these, you were just talking about the metallic spheres and stuff, or like in cubes, cuboid metallic forms that like they're 12 and they're like moving in patterns. They're right now, we will be sharing it. There is footage on TikTok and this stuff is happening a ton around these Air Force bases. It's happening a ton and it's happening all over the place. People are capturing it on their phones.
and they're being told by the media reporting that it is drones. And these are not any drones that we have seen. That is not the drone. It's not, it's not. So, we're gonna continue to cover this. This is just like a kind of like an introductory heading into the month.
Kevin Leonard (55:16)
Yeah, I'm
excited. This is going to be great. I love this stuff. Like we said at the top of the hour. I love it.
Alesha Muchuca (55:34)
I know. Yeah,
it's so good. It's so good. So yeah, I'm excited too. Well, thank you so much, Kevin. This is great. Yeah, thank you.
Kevin Leonard (55:42)
Cool, well thanks for a fun episode of bringing it up and
starting it. I can't wait to dive into it more.
Alesha Muchuca (55:49)
I know, I know, just you wait. Okay, well, bye. Bye.
Kevin Leonard (55:54)
Okay, see ya, bye.
Here are some great episodes to start with.