Is it conspiracy theory, something out of a fiction novel, or as real as apple pie? The Blue Beam project was once called the craziest conspiracy theory ever created and the man behind it just as nuts…but with recent events, could it be true? Did the man behind the theory actually get it right? Joi…
Technology is an ever present tool in our lives. What happens when the technology governments and military contractors have can be seen and shared to millions through social media? Join us as we discuss the phenomena floating...
Congress has held yet another hearing on UFOs/UAPs. It was the same ol' "i cant tell you that unless we are in a secure room". But there was one very interesting 'bombshell' that dropped but unless you were able to put the pi...
For a while there, Kate was MIA. Such a public figure missing from pubic creates all sorts of questions and conspiracy theories. Join Alesha as she talks about some of the more Bizarre AF discussion going on about Kate for ou...
Are you going hiking this summer? Hopefully you bring a compass and your Bigfoot spray. Join us on this episode where Alesha talks about the Missing 411 phenomena and potential strangeness that occurs within the United States...
2023 and 2024 have been huge in the world of UAP disclosure, namely when the committee on oversight and accountability. Here we explore the public hearing with whistleblowers David Fravor, Ryan Graves, and David Grusch. How much does the government know, and how are more people not talking about …
The Simpson writers are fortune tellers? That's right. Those lovable cartoon characters have predicted many events, down to the color of an outfit! Join us as Alesha takes us on a bizarre trip to the town of Springfield, USA—...
You can't talk about space aliens without talking about the US Government. They are always connected. Is it because they cover it up to protect it's citizens? Is it because they are secretly working with them? Is it because c...
Join us as we talk about Computer programmer and Hacktivist Aaron Swartz. Alesha tells the story of a well meaning individual who was up against an education system that had too much money to lose. What happens when the gover...
Denver International Airport has been riddled with conspiracy from even before it was open in 1997. We talk about the origin of these conspiracies' the multitude of conspiracies' themselves, what is going on with DIA today an...
Recognized as the most scientifically studied paranormal hotspot on the planet and surrounded by UTE tribal properties (which is an important fact we will discuss) Skinwalker Ranch is a 512 acre secure site that has been moni...
The CIA Had Secret Program To Send People In Past Or Future By Mind Power!! It is no secret that the human mind is capable of doing so much . It is the human mind that took Man to the moon, or built the atomic bomb, among sev...